For this Bear tool box I planned on doing bulk cuts with a miter saw. This design will allow for 1 tool box to be made from a single 8foot, 1x6in board. I set my saw guides to cut 18 inches and made 2 cuts off each board for the sides of the tool box. I then set it for 16 3/8 inch to cut 1 bottom piece off each board. I then cut a 24 1/8 in board from the remainder. This last piece will ultimately be cut into two pieces by the scouts. Using the miter saw I cut the corners off this 24 1/8 in board and made a partial cut in the middle of the board. I want to scout to saw but have a guide and a kerf to start sawing from. (12) 1 1/4 inch screws are required for assembly, Glue is optional but preferred. Cost is about $10 in materials.